Author Archives: Dana

Don’t worry – we haven’t gone anywhere!

Right now, we’re gearing up for our campaign playtest of Elle and Dana’s Souls of Steel. The first couple of episodes are in the pipe and now all we have to do is edit them and get them out to you.

Episodes will start going up before too long. In the meantime, you can see the teasers for the game being posted over on G+.

We’ll be starting a group and making playtest materials available within the next few weeks, so stay tuned!


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IPMM 110: Story Time – The Monster Campaign, Part 2

“So they took all our corpses and put them on pikes…”

In lieu of a Gen Con report (forthcoming – we promise!) here’s the second half of our latest Story Time with Blake and Highcove!


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Filed under Podcast, Story Time

IPMM 109: Kingdom

“We’re not arbiters of peace. We arbitrage peace. That’s different.”

Something for your drive to Gen Con!

We play Ben Robbins’ Kingdom for the first time as a group, choosing the “Starfall” scenario.  If you’re not familiar, Kingdom is a neat game that focuses on an organization, its members, and how they weather a crisis that threatens to disrupt their lives (or don’t, as the case may be).

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Filed under Actual Play, Podcast

IPMM: Bonus – Gen Con 2014 and other announcements

Important stuff:

  • Dana will be at Gen Con 2014!  Unfortunately, she’s the only one of us who could make it. Maybe next year?
  • Dana explains why she is switching to her prototype “girl voice” for good, and what it means for the podcast and for our listeners.
  • Related: we are going to be changing our intro and outtro sequences sometime in the near future.

Other stuff:

  • Tier 3 kazoos
  • Archer
  • DashCon

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IPMM 108: Story Time – The Monster Campaign, Part 1

“Half half-orc, half half-dragon.”

Blake and Highcove return with epic stories from a campaign where the players played monsters and Highcove treated them accordingly.

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Filed under Actual Play, Podcast

IPMM 107: The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power – Finale


This is it, folks – the conclusion to our Actual Play of Wheel Tree Press‘ awesome, upcoming game, The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power!

We’ve also got a special guest – for most of this episode Jenn Martin, darling of the indie game podcasting world, will be playing the part of Lady Liana!

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Filed under Actual Play, Podcast

IPMM 106: Socially Contractual Obligations

“This has been ‘Prostate Talk’ with I Podcast Magic Missile.”

In this episode, we talk about social contracts – implied and explicit – in gaming.  How do you know what the social contract is? What happens when a player ignores it? What can you do? How you you not be that person?

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IPMM 105: The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power, Episode 8

“Strange Liaisons”

In this penultimate(!) episode of SCUP, the PCs posture for status as the city’s government falls apart. Who will come out on top?

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Filed under Actual Play, Podcast

IPMM 104: Godzilla SMASH!

Neither of these are left hands!”

In this episode, we discuss:

We then pick apart the new Godzilla movie, in case you didn’t see it in theaters (and good on you if you did not).

Finally, we cover more on the new Warhammer 40K 7th Edition rules.

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War in RPGs

PK Sullivan has some thoughts on war in tabletop role-playing games, partially inspired by Elle and Dana’s *Souls of Steel*.

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