Monthly Archives: April 2014

IPMM 97: Interlude – Souls of Steel

“For the glory of Wal-Corp!”

In which we playtest our new game, Souls of Steel (by Dave and Elle)!

Souls of Steel is a Powered-by-the-Apocalypse game that emulates ensemble-cast ace pilot military dramas like Battlestar Galactica, Top Gun, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, the various Gundam series, etc. and computer games like Wing Commander.  The design goal is to develop entertaining social drama, punctuated by intense action sequences, against the backdrop of a larger war.

Here we’re testing an incomplete beta of the game.  Some elements are missing and some need to be refined, but this is the third playtest and we’re fairly happy with the overall structure and gameplay.


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Filed under Actual Play, Podcast

IPMM 96: The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power, Episode 4

“As good as it’s going to get.”

The Reaping Day banquet approaches!

What nefarious plans are our PCs brewing?  Listen and find out!


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Filed under Actual Play, Podcast

IPMM 95: Story Time – Delve Night, Part 3

“Hashtag #colonydrop”

This is the last episode in which our guest hosts talk about their experiences running Delve Night, a weekly pickup D&D game they hosted at the local game story that went from an officially sanctioned Wizards event to something of their own creation.

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Filed under Podcast, Story Time

Announcement: IPMM at 1d4 Con in Winchester, VA – April 27, 2014

The I Podcast Magic Missile crew (sans Duncan, who is due to have a baby) will be at 1d4 Con in Winchester, VA on Sunday, April 27, 2014!

If you’re in the VA-MD-PA-WV-DE-DC area and you’d like to meet us, we’ll likely be doing impromptu open role-playing in whatever space is available.

Hope to see you there!

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Filed under Podcast

IPMM 94: Story Time – Delve Night, Part 2

“Add or remove hair until your answer is correct.”

In which Messrs. Blake and Highcove discuss the finer (though not finest) points of their now-defunct but once recurring, open D&D game at the friendly local game store.

Part 2 of 3.

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Filed under Podcast, Story Time

Bonus Episode – Forge Midwest 2014 Report

A quick recap of Dave’s experience at Forge Midwest.

Links of note:

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Filed under Discussion, Podcast

IPMM 93: The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power, Episode 3

“Raw ambition”

The characters hit their stride, plotting and planning. What will happen next?

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Filed under Actual Play, Podcast

IPMM 92: That’s Racist!

“Gritty ’90s, you say?”

In which we talk about why Deep Space 9 is (for better and worse) very different from the other Star Trek franchises.  We also cover the unfortunate implications of how race is handled in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Show notes:

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Filed under Discussion, Podcast