Category Archives: Play Aids

Live GameScreen 2.5.0 released, now with network support!

Live GameScreen is a product Dave Fried and Matthew Highcove  provide for free that people can use to create a more immersive tabletop role-playing experience.

New features in 2.5.0 include:

  • You can now view the player screen on a separate computer (instead of requiring a second monitor) using the included Live PlayerScreen software.
  • Fate Accelerated and Fate Core (by Evil Hat Productions) are now supported.

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Filed under Play Aids

Apocalypse World Cheat Sheet

The various Apocalypse World player spread PDFs have pretty good summaries of the rules and player moves, but I like my rules in simple layout with color coding for easy access.  To that end, and in the spirit of our previous Monsterhearts Cheat Sheet, I’ve created a player (and GM!) cheat sheet for AW.

These are not all word-for-word renderings of the original rules; in some cases they’re more compact paraphrases that hit all of the important points.  The document released under a Creative Commons license, so feel free to remix.


ApocalypseWorldCheatSheet (Word Format)

ApocalypseWorldCheatSheet (PDF Format)

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Filed under Play Aids

IPMM 39: Be Gentle, It’s My First Time!

“Learn how to play Korean”

In this episode we talk about running games for the first time – either the first time with a new system, or the first time as a GM.  What keeps people from GMing?  What are some of the challenges of running a game with more experienced players (and how do you handle people who are jerks about it)?

We also talk about Joanna’s awesome Dread scenario (which Dave also ran at Forge Midwest) and how to write Dread questionnaires.  This was Joanna’s first time writing a module or running a game, ever.  We’ll post the scenario at some future point, once we’ve done a final editing pass.

Finally, we talk about Caitlin’s upcoming Apocalypse World campaign.  We talk about silliness in serious games.  Dave and Yanni give some advice from their own experience as MCs.

Stuff mentioned in this episode:


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Filed under Discussion, Play Aids, Podcast

Monsterhearts Cheat Sheet

We’re about to start putting up our Monsterhearts play recordings, and one of the things we have noticed playing the game is that, while flavorful, the quick reference sheets provided at Buried Without Ceremony are hard to navigate.

So, as a service to all the awesome gamer folk out there, we’ve created our own, color-coded cheat sheet for the game.  It’s got most of the information on the MH cheat sheet, and everything you’ll need for regular play is on one side of a page. It’s also released under a Creative Commons license so you can remix it any way you like for your own games.


MonsterheartsCheatSheet (Word format)

MonsterheartsCheatSheet (PDF format)


Filed under Play Aids