Tag Archives: Podcast

Don’t worry – we haven’t gone anywhere!

Right now, we’re gearing up for our campaign playtest of Elle and Dana’s Souls of Steel. The first couple of episodes are in the pipe and now all we have to do is edit them and get them out to you.

Episodes will start going up before too long. In the meantime, you can see the teasers for the game being posted over on G+.

We’ll be starting a group and making playtest materials available within the next few weeks, so stay tuned!


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Dana on The Jank Cast!

Dana was recently on The Jank Cast, talking about game design and her recent selection as a Game Chef finalist.

Here’s a link to the Jank Cast episode.

Here’s a link to the Game Chef entry, The Three and the Wheel.

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IPMM Host Guest-Stars on Obsidian Portal’s “Haste!” Podcast

Our guest host/Story Time co-star, Matthew Highcove, has also just made an appearance on the Haste! podcast over at Obsidian Portal.

Go give it a listen!

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