Monthly Archives: November 2014

IPMM 115: Souls of Steel – Achilles’ Heel, Episode 2

 “A Golden Globe Award, but with bleeding wrists”

We return to the Achilles’ Heel for another installment from the war against the MICE!

Special thanks to Will, who filled in as producer for the Achilles’ Heel campaign (as Dana is tied up with other things).

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IPMM 114: Souls of Steel – Fist of Apollo, Episode 2

“I’m only a recreational psychologist.”

We return to the Fist of Apollo for more drama! We get to know the crew a little better; dark secrets are revealed; plots are hatched.


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Filed under Actual Play, Podcast

IPMM 113: Souls of Steel – Achilles Heel, Episode 1

“The Tin Men”

This is the second of two parallel playtest campaigns of Souls of Steel, Elle, Dana, and Yanni’s new game (see this post for more info.) The campaigns will be running in parallel for the next couple of months.

In this campaign, we have:

  • James F. as Strike Five, the Specialist [Commanding Officer]
  • Caitlin as Starfish the Misfit [Scout]
  • Yanni as Rocket the Hotshot [Engineer]
  • Elle as Badger the Loose Cannon [Heavy Weapons]
  • … and Blake as Command

This is also Blake’s first time GMing a Powered by the Apocalypse game!

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