IPMM 53: AW New Sodom, Episode 1

“An Evening at the Goldmine”

We start our new Apocalypse World campaign – this time with less Mad Max and more Blade Runner.

In this episode, we meet the characters and see a day in the life of Silver’s Goldmine, a fighting arena and concert hall in the slums of the crumbling city of New Sodom.

Our cast includes:

  • Dave as Grace, the Skinner
  • Yanni as Susan, the Space Marine Mammal
  • Joanna as Lively, the Brainer
  • Duncan as Silver, the Maestro D’
  • Will as Man, the Gunlugger
  • … and Caitlin as The Master of Ceremonies

Note: this series alternates between moments of levity and some really dark stuff – including human trafficking, physical and sexual abuse, etc.  If you’re not cool with that, go listen to some of our other APs, including our older Apocalypse World series, which sits much closer to the shallow end of an R-rating.

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