Category Archives: Actual Play

IPMM 114: Souls of Steel – Fist of Apollo, Episode 2

“I’m only a recreational psychologist.”

We return to the Fist of Apollo for more drama! We get to know the crew a little better; dark secrets are revealed; plots are hatched.


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IPMM 113: Souls of Steel – Achilles Heel, Episode 1

“The Tin Men”

This is the second of two parallel playtest campaigns of Souls of Steel, Elle, Dana, and Yanni’s new game (see this post for more info.) The campaigns will be running in parallel for the next couple of months.

In this campaign, we have:

  • James F. as Strike Five, the Specialist [Commanding Officer]
  • Caitlin as Starfish the Misfit [Scout]
  • Yanni as Rocket the Hotshot [Engineer]
  • Elle as Badger the Loose Cannon [Heavy Weapons]
  • … and Blake as Command

This is also Blake’s first time GMing a Powered by the Apocalypse game!

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IPMM 111: Souls of Steel – Fist of Apollo Episode 1


This is one of two parallel playtest campaigns of Souls of Steel, Elle, Dana, and Yanni’s new game (see this post for more info.) The campaigns will be running in parallel for the next couple of months.

In this campaign, we have:

  • James T. as Feral Black, the Specialist [Scout]
  • Joanna as Gram the Veteran [Quartermaster]
  • Patrick as Yx the Misfit [Test-Pilot]
  • Duncan as Chet the Rookie [Medic]
  • Dana as Artemis the Leader [Sniper]
  • and Will as Command

We’re working out a new intro, we’ve got new people producing, and Dana is still trying to figure out her new voice (the AP was recorded a while ago), but overall we think things will be quite entertaining.


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IPMM 109: Kingdom

“We’re not arbiters of peace. We arbitrage peace. That’s different.”

Something for your drive to Gen Con!

We play Ben Robbins’ Kingdom for the first time as a group, choosing the “Starfall” scenario.  If you’re not familiar, Kingdom is a neat game that focuses on an organization, its members, and how they weather a crisis that threatens to disrupt their lives (or don’t, as the case may be).

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IPMM 108: Story Time – The Monster Campaign, Part 1

“Half half-orc, half half-dragon.”

Blake and Highcove return with epic stories from a campaign where the players played monsters and Highcove treated them accordingly.

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Filed under Actual Play, Podcast

IPMM 107: The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power – Finale


This is it, folks – the conclusion to our Actual Play of Wheel Tree Press‘ awesome, upcoming game, The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power!

We’ve also got a special guest – for most of this episode Jenn Martin, darling of the indie game podcasting world, will be playing the part of Lady Liana!

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IPMM 105: The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power, Episode 8

“Strange Liaisons”

In this penultimate(!) episode of SCUP, the PCs posture for status as the city’s government falls apart. Who will come out on top?

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IPMM 103: The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power, Episode 7


Lots of plotting and planning as the characters take sides following the poisoning of Lord Gaius…

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IPMM 100: The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power, Episode 6

“Storm Rising”

The aftermath of the banquet – Gaius is dead (or is he?), enemies are inside the walls, and a dragon is loose!

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IPMM 98: The Sword, the Crown, and the Unspeakable Power, Episode 5

“Reaping Day”

Reaping Day here! The banquet is prepared! The people are excited for the town celebration! The only ingredients remaining are murder and mayhem, which the PCs are more than willing to add.

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